What defines an epidemiologist in a pandemic response?

With the COVID-19 pandemic, the public has finally learnt a little bit about what the word epidemiology means (it’s not a skin specialist), but few would have an understanding of what epidemiologists actually do. Even if you are an epidemiologist, you may not know what goes on behind the scenes in a pandemic response. Our epidemiological training may not prepare us for what is needed from an epidemiologist in a pandemic. This webinar aims to lift the veil on what epidemiologists have been doing over the last year to help keep us safe from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to discuss how epidemiology may need to change to prepare for future pandemics.

Direct link to website video: https://thebox.unsw.edu.au/6DE91D00-AE2C-11EB-96917ED553F12F77


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