AEA Membership

AEA Members can Join IEA Online for US$25

AEA members are reminded to take advantage of the opportunity to join IEA as a joint member at the substantially reduced cost of US$25. You can now join or renew your IEA membership online via the IEA website. Alternatively you can download a form from the membership section and email the completed membership application form to IEA Headquarters. Note that IEA membership is by calendar year, ie from January to December.

IEA aims to facilitate communication among those engaged in research and teaching of epidemiology throughout the world, and to engage in the development and use of epidemiological methods in all fields of health including social, community and preventive medicine and health services administration. The Association has reached individuals in over 100 countries worldwide promoting research and teaching of epidemiology and public health.

Members of IEA experience numerous benefits, such as networking and interacting with the 2000 other professional members on a broad range of substantive and methodological areas in epidemiology and public health.  As a result of the opportunities that IEA has provided for epidemiologists to meet and discuss their common interests, several international collaborative studies have been undertaken by members of the Association. Joint members receive an online subscription to the Association’s Journal, the International Journal of Epidemiology (IJE), which is published bi-monthly.  IEA recently launched a redesigned website, making information more accessible to members.  Visit at

We hope you will find IEA membership exciting and rewarding and that you will actively contribute to its activities. Visit to activate your joint membership with IEA.


Creating connections, sharing knowledge and supporting the Australasian epidemiological community

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