Cancer Epidemiology Special Interest Group
Cancer Epidemiology Special Interest Group: (CESIG)
Convenor: Jianrong Zhang and Melanie Plinsinga
The Cancer Epidemiology Special Interest Group (SIG) was established in 2018 with the objectives to provide a forum for focused discussion on cancer epidemiology research, knowledge exchange, encouraging collaborative relationships, and supporting the next generation of cancer epidemiologists.
The Cancer Epidemiology SIG is proud to co-badge the annual Early Career Researcher Cancer Epidemiology Conference alongside the Cancer Councils in New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland. Held virtually since 2021, the event attracts presentations from emerging cancer epidemiologists across Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific, with >80 attendees at the 2023 meeting.
Any enquires about the Cancer Epidemiology SIG can be directed to the current convenor Dr Rebecca Venchiarutti.